Saturday, January 14, 2006

What a lousy New England day. Winter can have its down-right depressing days, but today is the gloomiest of the doomiest - wet with heavy rain, fog, a bone-frightening chilly dampness, portraying the drolliest of ghoully glums. However, at least, tomorrow I won't be shoveling a foot or more of snow, whcih could have been the alternative. So, what does one think about on days like this? The economic status of our society - gosh, hope not, for that could pulverize one with depression - days like this were not built for economic or political chats. But then, the stock market has been doing pretty good...alas, still not a subject to toy with. I do have a Red Hat Tea today, which is always fun - a great lady, named Bonnie, always does a nice job, and we will be inducting four new women into the group. Then tomorrow, at our church, we will be having a special thank you for a terrific woman, named Ute. And if I really wanted to look on the bright side of life, everyday stays lighter longer and is one day closer to get back into my garden - so I guess, overall, even though the world is a gastly ghost, life goes on within the invisible veil.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Years Day 2006 - and pondering what it will bring.

Already the elecrtic has gone up, health insurance has skyrocked, car gas plays yo-yo games, taxes and sewer bills have found a new financial orbit - how do people exist? I can not image making it financially through this year on our fixed income - something has to break somewhere. How do young families dream of owning homes? America's days of "anyone can make it here" have almost become "blowing in the wind" dreams. Thank God my family is grown and on their own, for we would never have what we were able to give them - those days are gone. Sadly I see a divided America, rich and poor, middle class will be no more.

Can there be any possible positive things to come in 2006? I sit here thinking and nothing immediately comes to mind. Wars are all around the world, hunger is everywhere - yep, even here in the good ol'USA. I guess there is one constant, if one has the belief I have - that is that God does still care. Yeah, I know, does seem hard to believe, but this is what happens when a parent gives trillions plus off-spring free will - all hell breaks loose! Yeah, God is still there, and as a parent does, He cries for us from time to time - more often than not I bet. But what kind of a parent would He be if He never let us flap our wings? He wants us to find our own way - He has given us the tools. Is He wrong for not making us do the right thing - loving all as ourselves, honoring our parents, not coveting our neighbors wife or possessions, not stealing (there'd be no politicians - wouldn't that be something!)? No, I don't think so - He did not create us to suffocate us - we were created out of love, and it is with love that He cares and allows us our right to choose. So, though the world seems an endless spiral into hell for me these days, there is one constant that I can embrace and hope upon - God's endless love and promises.

Happy New Year and may the love of God be with you all!