Monday, November 07, 2005

Tis another bout of sleeplessness. Funny how I cycle - some night I can sleep like a snuggles rug and other time I can not buy sleep. I think to myself, how selfish to pity myself with loneliness and fatigue, when others do not even have a pillow and warmth to even try to sleep. That humles my mumblings real fast. I would really like to just do a bitch session, but the mind torrments me, like a mirror trying to decide if I am fairest in the land - NOT!

I went to a speech contest tonight, with the topic being "what family means to me." The four ladies were good, but two stood heads and tails over all others. The winner talked about the world as a family - she was very profound, and another of how her dad had battled with cancer, and at a young age she learned that family does not come with guarantees. I tettered between these two. I think the judges made the right decision, but still...I am haunted by the other yound lady whose work was also top quality. I am going to another one at Holyoke Catholic next Monday - same topic. Just a curiousity on different perspectives - this group was four ladies (10th and 11th grade), and next Monday is two young men. I wonder how the guys view the topic for contrast.

Today I subbed for kindergarten - WHEW, with a big swipe of sweat. I have gained great admiration for the kindergarten teachers - actually, I think medals and pay raises are in order!!! Yes, I had fun, but this body was not thrilled with floor activities or getting so many children to write their numbers properly. However, I was shocked by the maturity level of girls over boys, and how boys seemed to struggle more with fine motor writing skills and backward printing. Anyway, I am taking tomorrow off, as this body is beat...or maybe just lazy!

Well, hands are cold from the evenings chill, so thingk I will hunt for a blankey and just cuddle with a book for a bit - night world and peace to all! Here is a white iris in offering of the joy
of innocence.

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