Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Today is a new day, but yesterday was fun. My friend Deb and I went to see the movie Night at the Museum. Excellent, filled with lots of places for laughter and an excellent theme - within ourselves lie the answers to our questions and we won't find them until we look. The only bummer of the day was my health issue creeping in, cutting a chip off the total fun experience. It made we realize how weak I truly have become for the first time - a new set in dealing with how deep my health issues have become. In the past 2 years, I have watched my energy ebb away, like a slow clog in a drain, but eventually it sucks all away. It is hard to watch. I always hoped I would die quickly, but it is not looking so hot in that direction. It appears I am going to watch the whole process in slow motion - maybe it is a good thing and I fail to see the wonder. However, it has set in motion preparation to that moment. I am getting my life in order (if one would call it that) - getting my poetry in one place, cleaning house of my baggage which really was not necessary to have, and just thinking about what is really important to me at this point. So, that is where today has me, but again, not a bad day, just a new one.

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