Thursday, March 01, 2007

I often wonder how people make it through the hard times in life without God. Right now, my dear friend Deb is going through a difficult transit time, her mother-in-law needs some type of assisted living arrangements, and life is difficult at home and with her job (isn't it always that way with a job!). I ponder my own weeds - difficult health issues and family struggles. How do people get through it without faith??? For me, without my faith, I would just give it all up and find a well supplied syphon of alcohol and drink my pain away - why else would I want to go on, try, or care? Life would make no sense. But, for my faith, I know life is not always the prime piece of real estate we all want. I know there are going to be weeds, many of them, but I know, with my faith, I can pluck through the weeds and find myself right back at the beautiful beginning, my God, my faith, the savior of my soul!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

And in that sharing of faith comes strength that one would never have alone!

I praise God for the friendship that He has brought...for however long it lasts..

For the laughter and the tears...

For being able to look at things and to simply say...


And for knowing that someone is always there beside me...sharing it all with me...

Thank you God!