Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I sometimes wonder to what limits I want to push what I say here. Seems like I should not care, but I always care, even about the nonsense things of life. I was taught to worry about everything - survival depended on it. With this in mind, I think I will divulge bits and pieces of yesterdays of my life.

Oh mother what must I do
to survive a relationship with you -
one who hurt without memories
living happily on her journey,
while one cringes in fear
struggling to hold back the years.

Though pieces I may show, nothing negates the strides I have made in my life. Many times I have tried to lay down and die, but a few speical people in my life have taken notice and been there, holding me, until I could hang on for myself. My life is truly their story, for without them, my life would have ceased a lifetime ago.

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