Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Tonight I had a momentary, emotional meltdown - so bloody embarrassing! I pride myself on emotional strength - I am not one to express emotions openly, well...not the “watery-eye syndrome” anyway. Time is catching up with me, and new life experiences as well. So much to learn, so dumb a brain. I am on the council on my church - everyone is so knowledgeable about things, and then there is me - lost in a maze, with thoughts that seem so unspiritual when statued next to others. And yet, my heart is spiritual, I think. But why then do I seem so ungiving, almost selfish in comparison. Perhaps I went the road less traveled and it is going to take far too many lifetimes to find my way to the light, and then it will end up being a train at the end of the tunnel instead of the light for which I desperately yearn.

Tonight I find myself thinking of the father I had for three short years. I wonder if he would love me? This thought comes to mind, as I have a friend so loved by her parents - so loved, the tears come to me just thinking of how incredible that must be, no words were ever created that could illustrate that kind of loving sensation. I realized years ago that I suffered from something called skin hunger. When someone touches you in a positive way, your body emits endorphins that soothes the mind, creating peace within the body’s spirit. Once my father died, the only loving hands I would ever really know also departed. From that time on, the only touch I would know were related to pain and suffering - that was my life. I would eventually shut this body off to feelings, and actually not really feel the pain - however, pain became recognition - pain meant I was still alive. Emotions just did not exist - no joy, no sadness, just nothing. But things are changing and I am not sure how to handle anything anymore. The room I have always known has let down it parts of its walls and I just do not know what to do, how to react. This is a poem I wrote about the loss of my father.

Death permeates the room,
and a child stands barren
before the casket. Her eyes -
deep wells of darkness,
where only a short time prior
dwelled the pretty sunshine of life.
A little heart rests dormant
in her chest, as the blood of life
has been siphoned from her arteries.
In her brain, the tissues have
withered, crispy - dried.
Life’s cerebral symphony of motion -
no longer active - void
of thought or feeling.
A child - undergoing
the effects of death -
her father has died
and death has enshrouded her life.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I am always amazed at the harm that people do to others and have come to learn that for many, the hurt is unintentional. I pray that I would never hurt anyone as you have been hurt, and yet I also know that in my ingnorance... I will at times hurt. I beg forgiveness for those days when my heart is hard and I do not understand how what I say affects those around me.

I am the one so loved by the parents and yet at times feeling so unloved...like when I didn't do my best in school, when I lied, when I didn't agree with their philosophy of life. But never have I had to bear the brunt of such anger and abuse and for that I am thankful. Unlike you my friend, I could not be so resilient. I would have broken to little pieces a long time ago.

As for being spiritual, there is no question in my mind that God's spirit lives within the one who can care for a sick sister, who can do labor for an elderly person, who can send cards to a friend. God lives in your heart...and like each and every one of us who has experienced God, you too will find places in your soul where God has been kept away. They are dark places where we hold onto things that we just can't really give up yet. But God knows that..and it is OK. Giving it up is sometimes painful, but know that God is with you, in the giving and in the keeping. God is always there, offering a hand of forgiveness and letting you know that it is OK to want to hold on. God will take God's time with your heart, cleaning out that which needs to go and building on that which is good. God is now at work...trust in that and continue to listen to God's voice in all things!